Nested IF Formula Issues

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Nested IF Formula Issues

I am attempting to write a formula to convert approximately 600 geologic measurements to a more useful format and I am failing miserably. The equation I have is below:


What I am needing the equation to compute is the following:

If input in D2 is "NW", then value shown in F2 will be 360-value in C2
If input in D2 is "SW", then value shown in F2 will be 180+value in C2
If input in D2 is "SE", then value shown in F2 will be 180-value in C2
If input in D2 is "NE", then value shown is F2 will be the value in C2

I have tried making the sum(360-C2) into an equation but it did not fix the problem. Is there something I am overlooking? 

Thank you for any help.

Try this formula

I'm not sure how you constructed your formula, but this version of it should do what you need:

=IF(D2="NW",360-C2,IF(D2="SW",180+C2,IF(D2="SE",180-C2,IF(D2="NE",C2,"No value in D2"))))

I added "No value in D2" for the situation where there is no value in D2. Without this, the formula would return FALSE.

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