If you're using the Autofilter feature, you're probably wondering how to perform calculations on only those values that are being displayed by the filter. The SUBTOTAL() function is the answer.
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When you create a large table in Microsoft Word that spans multiple pages, you'll find on the second and subsequent pages that the table headings don't repeat. In this lesson you'll learn how to configure one or more rows of your table to repeat at the top of the page for every page on which your table appears. This lesson applies to tables in Microsoft Word 2010 for Windows and Word 2011 for Mac (as well as Word 2007 for Windows).
Learn how to set up CiviCRM cron jobs in cPanel in Drupal.
Google Analytics allows you to email reports from your account. This enables you to share reports with people who don't have access to your Google Analytics account, including people who are only interested in specific reports from Google Analytics. You can control which format the reports are sent in, and the frequency with which they are emailed. This lesson shows you how to set up email reports from Google Analytics, as well as pointing out a couple of things you should be aware of when setting them up.
The Pivot Table Report Filter adds another dimension to your pivot tables - literally. Rather than all of your data being presented in a flat table, the Report Filter lets you create a pivot table report and then change the data being presented using one or more Report Filters.
This lesson will show you how to rename, reorder and hide the default Product tabs in WooCommerce. It also introduces some of the concepts involved in using the functions.php file in your WordPress theme to override WordPress and WooCommerce code.
The SUM function in Excel allows you to add up the values in a range of cells. However, sometimes you only want to add up the cells that meet certain criteria. That's where the SUMIF function comes in handy, along with the more capable SUMIFS function.
This lesson shows you how to use Excel to calculate the number of days between two dates. It also shows you how to exclude weekends and holidays from the total.
If you work with large Excel spreadsheets, you'll probably know the hassle of scrolling left and right, up and down as you try to work with all that data. You can use the Zoom feature to make the spreadsheet smaller and fit more onto the screen, but that doesn't always give you the result you want. Often, it will make your spreadsheet too small or not small enough.
When you create a formula in Excel that refers to other cells in the worksheet, Excel will store the information about those cells as relative references. Relative references and their counterpart, absolute references, are one of the things that make spreadsheets such a powerful tool.
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