Once you get used to using Excel, you can find that using the mouse to select data in your spreadsheet is somewhat slow and time consuming. Here's a quick technique for selecting a range of cells in Excel.
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The SUMIFS function in Excel allows you to sum the values in a range of cells that meet multiple conditions, or criteria. For example, you might use the SUMIFS function in a sales spreadsheet to to add up the value of sales of a specific product by a given sales person (e.g. the value of all sales of a microwave oven made by John). This lesson explains how to use SUMIFS.
Learn how to control the display of the page title on different pages of your Drupal 8 website.
If you have formatted a cell and want to use the same formatting for another cell or cells, you can easily copy the formatting from that cell to as many additional cells as you like.
Content Marketing is one of the best long-term strategies for sustainably increasing your website traffic. As Google gets better at separating good quality content from bad , and penalising sites that don't follow its quality guidelines (Google Panda and Penguin), it has become ever more important to ensure that the content on your website is of good quality. This lesson will show you how to use Google Analytics to analyse which pages people are landing on, which keywords they used in the search that brought them to your website, and how to generate actionable insights that can help you improve your content and increase your traffic.
The COUNTIFS function in Excel counts the number of cells in a range that match a set of multiple criteria. COUNTIFS extends the COUNTIF function which only allows one criteria. It is similar to SUMIFS, which will find the sum of all cells that match a set of multiple criteria. This lesson shows you how to use COUNTIFS and provides some practical examples to help you understand how it works.
This lesson will show you how to find, flag and remove spam content from your WordPress website. It uses a database search to identify content that contains spam words, and flags them for removal so you can remove them safely via the WordPress admin dashboard.
When printing in Excel 2010 for Windows, it is sometimes useful to print a set of rows (e.g. column headings) on each page in the print out. There is nothing worse than having a printout that runs to multiple pages, with the column headings only printed on the first page. This lesson shows you how to get header rows printing at the top of every page.
In this lesson, we look at a specific example where you have a table of sales data, and you need to find out the name of the person who had the highest sales for the month. It's one of those things that seems like it should be easy until you actually try to do it. The solutions we present here are not the only way of achieving this, but the do have the advantage of solving the problem with a single formula. The methods here could also be used for a variety of other applications as well.
One of the last keyboard shortcuts I mastered in Excel was moving between worksheets. Fortunately it's easy, and you don't need to wait as long as I did.
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