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In this lesson, you'll learn how to merge (or combine, as Mailchimp calls it) two audiences (lists) into one. We'll cover two methods for doing this, and identify which method we recommend. We will also discuss what happens when you merge two audiences.

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When you're working in a web team, it can be useful for everyone in the team to have access to Google Analytics for the website(s) you're working on. This lesson shows you how to configure Google Analytics so that multiple users can access one or more profiles in your account, and shows you a quick way to allow a user to access multiple profiles in the same Google Analytics account.

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This Pivot Table lesson shows you how to use the Pivot Table Field Layout to quickly change the layout of your pivot table. This allows you to try different pivot table layouts so you can be sure your data is being grouped, aggegated and displayed in the most useful way possible. It also allow you to generate multiple reports from the same underlying data without having to create multiple pivot tables.


Printing from Excel can be very frustrating, especially if your spreadsheet is too wide or too tall to fit on a single page.

You can use the Scaling option in Page Setup to set limits on how many pages wide and tall your document should be when you print it. The problem with that is that you can find your page fits onto one page, but becomes too small to read. Not only that, but Excel ignores any manual page breaks you've entered. This lesson explains how you can print your spreadsheet so it automatically scales to be one page wide without forcing the rows into a single page.


 Excel offers a couple of handy functions that you can use to calculate the smallest and largest values in a range of cells. They are simple functions that go by the names of MIN() and MAX(). This lesson shows you how to use them. It also introduces SMALL() and LARGE(), functions which duplicate what MIN and MAX do, plus more besides. 

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Excel offers a number of ways to find rows that contain duplicate values. However, most of them focus on finding rows where the value in just one column is repeated. In this lesson, we look at how to use the COUNTIFS function to find rows where values in moree than one column is repeated. We then use the COUNTIFS function in combination with Excel's Conditional Formatting feature to highlight duplicate and even triplicate rows.


Learn how to set up CiviCRM cron jobs in cPanel in Drupal.

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If you're using the Autofilter feature, you're probably wondering how to perform calculations on only those values that are being displayed by the filter. The SUBTOTAL() function is the answer.


 When you create a large table in Microsoft Word that spans multiple pages, you'll find on the second and subsequent pages that the table headings don't repeat. In this lesson you'll learn how to configure one or more rows of your table to repeat at the top of the page for every page on which your table appears. This lesson applies to tables in Microsoft Word 2010 for Windows and Word 2011 for Mac (as well as Word 2007 for Windows). 


This lesson will show you how to rename, reorder and hide the default Product tabs in WooCommerce. It also introduces some of the concepts involved in using the functions.php file in your WordPress theme to override WordPress and WooCommerce code.
